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The portfolio has the same name as the Quicken account. Its start date is the date of the earliest transaction in the Quicken account, with a starting cash balance of zero. Each Quicken transaction is converted to a corresponding Investor Insight transaction orl;a0Investor Insight HelpCopyright 1995 IntuitCopyright 1995 Intuit-CreateButton ("btn_prin","&Print","Print()")JCreateButton("btn_gloss","&Glossary","JI(`ii.hlp>gloss',`TOC_Glossary')")Zmain?main*;:Oz0WOG OOm##O,l*BZsecondarygloss*;GlossaryOz0WOG OOg##O,lk@& 9"E1EW(F% 2 4L"Contents of )OE; F0E@IGPN Getting eddRD,+ &Ȅ$H;Ov@erview0 7 &capture s d.Iu;:p*`@ SF,+(How &maint  qa 7  ]SQu;<4b>=  }B/T#;eHqaWHork ׂ ~ r\") ) ֑ s on C1Qaa  a &s`tocksiZ1Pr;(6r-CYg ;("(hPU K.r;!2^!sS!!cw e!K]C(GF, ,x" @0{rO!;Ds G4cCrea # x"CNC(a ,  rE!;aIS^LYf(ih3exchang@e eAKW$;Jt BdUnde@rstandF"Ac#agf(M ΢DDna r 3 menu9 >,( F1=[1 [vB2(ĵE[;*f3 fVtV)1W1@Provid 3("] getV&, ń @3iix" 'P *E;M.:VSV@( Exins y6llPv3 c F7;4e2SSldĶ ?#v(FSs resolvq 4s. >3 71f 8v2:c"cMr& @ ND4@ Z8Welcom6&Inver a 3  7WGrg sB  ' A(<brs i ' Jb`o V '~ edCB6!T scheduldownloadat $ '% u soi Y i With vetl - *R:H m90h= 4   h A@ g / ,'e Hf$i5 Kf}Wan f-to-Cd wȧ nl A . 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(News data uses more space than other types of data.)egment is acquiring only the Government is acquiring only  restricted rights rights  in the Software and it document-#as tM427 c)(1RS, and If the Software is supplied to any unit or agency of the United States Government other than DoD, the Government the Software -#it ML_ R:Hin Clause 52.227-7013(c)(1) of the DFARS, and If the Software is supplied to any unit or agency of the United States Government other than DoD, the Government  ks rights in the Software and its documentati-#l beNM⼟n(2-#he FwLwa-#ing_IE (bre tracking. 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